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:: The Consequences of Love :: June 28, 2007

Posted by Minci 先生 in Movie/TV Reviews.

Le Conseguenze dell’amore – Titta di Girolamo has spent eight years living alone, not working. His only vices are cigarettes and hanging around in bars, he seems as if he’s waiting for something, for a secret to be revealed. As it turns out, Titta is a mafia courier and his life is programmed by his work commitments and his drug addiction, both facets of his life meticulously managed. Then one day he meets a young girl, Sofia, and his habits will be completely altered, down to a tragic unpredictable epilogue. 

To a simpleton like myself, it’s a struggle to appreciate ‘The Consequences of Love’. The film received an average of 4.5 ( a 5 star rating system) from 546 votes in BBC Movies review. 13 nominations with 8 wins? Wow.. must be something worth watching. Well, here is what our ‘panel of reviewers’ have to say.


“Shy people notice everything but they are rarely noticed”

“…aku suka tengok cerita asing nih. memberi nafas baru..” – jetjetsemot

“ehh.. tk tahanlah nk tunggu dia abis.. nak tido jap..” – miyaki


“bukan ker kau cakap nih citer lawan2?” – Za


“oh.. aku rasa aku kena tengok ah apa maksud ‘psychological thriller’ sebenarnya” – Minci

” hahahah hahha hahahhahahaha… speechless..” – tulip


1. Syafrizal - June 28, 2007

La citer hindustan ker? Bosannya heheh

2. Puteri Nad :-( - June 28, 2007

hahaha tak tengok gik
tp sumerang ahli panel SGL
siler tengok citer provoked

3. Minci - June 28, 2007

bukan hindustan lah… ITALIAN.. terang2 tulis mafia kat situ.. hoho.. kes baca skipping2 nih..

as in tajuk dia PROVOKED, I assume..

4. kaSyah - June 28, 2007

italian? awek dalam tu lawa tak? ngeh..ngeh…

5. Puteri Nad :-( - June 28, 2007

a’ah la ok provoked yg aishwarya tu

6. Syafrizal - June 28, 2007

Tu muka macam hindustan tu hehe

7. shutterspeaks - June 28, 2007

kasyah, ko dah sihat ke?

any story is good story if it has good storyline. gambar x cantik xpe.

8. kaSyah - June 29, 2007

shutterspeaks : adakah itu soalan perangkap? ..hehe. aku rasa lbh sihat sikit hari ni berbanding smlm. jap lagi nak g jumpa doktor balik. 😛

9. jet - June 29, 2007

laaa..siyes ke menang 8 nominations dan rating die 4.5..?well, ada la persoalan dlm benak timbul sementelaah menonton tuh, which is good: tak stret forward..tp untuk kasik die rating 4.5, cam x senonoh je..haha..sebab slow kot..tp cm aku ckp, kena tgk sorg2, dlm gelap, hayati setiap scene yg slow,cr clue di sekitar scene..hahaha..dan die kena tambah soundtrack yg sedap2 lg..x pandai judge betol la org ni..

10. Puteri Nad :-( - June 29, 2007

jet ko leh jadi juri sundance film festival award..

11. abah - June 29, 2007

ler hampes…tapi serious la..ko ni sama filem taste ngan aku ler…ske tgk citer2 underground.. 🙂

12. Minci - June 29, 2007

hoho… sure sihat dah kasyah nih.. bangun pagi asyik tersengih2 katanya.. haha..

oh.. muka jer nampak cam hindustan.. hakikatnya italiano chix

setuju bangat sih.. cuma part kete tuh yg mcm ‘alive’ sket.. haha

sundance ke award film pelik2?

hehe.. untuk meluaskan perspektif kononnya…

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